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Multilingual Learners

Our Multilingual Team

KC Carr and Kate Wolff

KC CARR, ELL Teacher, K-5 PYP program, 802-382-1444

Kate Wolff, ELL Teacher, 6-12 MYP/DP programs 802-382-1128

Fernanda Canales, Multilingual Liaison 

ACSD's Multilingual Learner Program (ML)

  • ACSD serves multilingual students currently representing 18 different languages in all.  This represents a form of diversity that we value as a learning community.  Multilingual Learner teachers, KC Carr and Kate Wolff, have served this small but growing population in ACSD since 2009 and 2010, respectively.   

  • What is the ML program?  The ML  program of Addison Central School District serves culturally and linguistically diverse students whose native language is not English, who have another language spoken in their home, or who come from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual's level of English language proficiency.  The goal of the program is to provide students with the English and academic skillls they need to be successful, active participants in the local community.

    The elementary ML program is a content-based, intensive language instructional pull-out model, which utilizes collaboration between the ML certified teacher and the regular education classroom teacher.

    The secondary ML program is a combination of a pull-out and content course model.  Grade level objectives may be delivered by either the classroom teachers with ML support or through modified instruction.   

  • Why choose ELL services for your child?  

    • ELL services are provided as an extra support for students by a teacher trained in recognizing and dealing with linguistic and cultural differences.
    • Studies show that students who receive consistent ELL services attain proficiency more quickly and perform better academically than those who don't.
    • ELL instruction can help prepare students for the type of specialized English needed for reading textbooks and for the type of writing that is required in science, language arts, and social studies coursework.
  • Federal law mandates that we identify and assess all potential ELL students.  In ACSD potential ELL students are identified by at least one of the following:

    • Vermont Agency of Education Primary Home Language Survey indicating a language other than English (included in ACSD's common registration form).
    • Teacher or parent recommendation.
    • Evidence of ELL services from another U.S. school.
    • A country of birth other than the U.S.

    Potential ELLs are assessed for program eligibility using the WIDA ACCESS screener or prior ACCESS scores.

  • English Language Learner (ELL) Definition:  The term English Language Learner (ELL), as used here, indicates a person who is in the process of acquiring English, whether they are fluent in another language or not.  Other terms commonly found in the literature include language minority students, Limited English Proficient (LEP), English as a Second Language (ESL), and culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD).

  • What is the difference between listening/speaking skills and reading/writing skills?  The level of English proficiency needed for daily oral face-to-face communication (listening and speaking) is referred to as Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills, or BICS.  It takes most students from two to four years to develop BICS proficiency.

    The level of English proficiency needed for academic learning (reading and writing) is referred to as Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, or CALP.  It takes most students from five to seven years to develop CALP proficiency.

    Even though your child may be orally fluent in English, he or she may still not be academically prepared to compete in an all English classroom.  Our ELL program carefully structures the development of both oral and academic language in a stress-free environment while considering the student's cultural background.  

Communicating with Your Child’s School

A guide for parents who speak a language other than English:
Parents' Guide to Multilingual Communication (English)
Parents' Guide to Multilingual Communication (Spanish)
Parents' Guide to Multilingual Communication (Chinese)
Parents' Guide to Multilingual Communication (Portuguese)

To reach an interpreter, call 1(833) 702-8984 

In ACSD, we encourage all parents to be a part of their children’s education by communicating with their children’s school, teachers, and the district.  This includes parents who speak a language other than English. If you are more comfortable speaking a language other than English, ACSD now has several different ways for you to access information in your preferred language, as well as new ways to contact faculty and staff in your preferred language.  All translation and interpretation will be at no cost to you.

Language Line for Telephone Calls - (844) 922-1925 
Language Line can be used via speaker phone / conference phone when you visit a school, such as for conferences or parent meetings.  It can also be used to call home for emergencies or updates. You can also contact your school or ACSD’s main office in your native language and a staff member can use Language Line to interpret the call and / or take a message for you.  IMPORTANTWhen calling a school or office to use Language Line, make sure you begin the call by saying the name of your language so the person can connect the call to the right interpreter.

Talking Points for Text Messages
Talking Points connects teachers and parents via text messaging.  Teachers set up the account at the beginning of the year, and then both teachers and parents can communicate directly in each person’s native language.   If you would like to use text messaging but have not received an invitation from your child’s teacher, please email KC Carr ( or Kate Wolff ( with your name, phone number, child’s name, and preferred language and they will help you set this up.

ACSD Website
ACSD’s web pages can be translated by Google Translate.  At the top of the page, look for the box that says “Select Language” and choose your language.

Signing up your child for athletics at the middle school or high school can be challenging, but it is a great way for you and your child to be more involved in the school community.  Unfortunately, the online service for signing up is not translated into multiple languages at this time. However, it is important that all students have access to athletics! If your child would like to play a sport, please call 802-382-1278 and a district staff member will help you connect with the athletic trainer for support in completing the required forms.  IMPORTANTFall sports start in the summer, so if your child would like to play a sport, please call as soon as possible!  

You can select your preferred language when signing on to PowerSchool.  This will allow you to access your child’s grades in a language that works for you. You can choose your language when you sign in.  If you need help, please email KC Carr ( or Kate Wolff ( with your name, phone number, and language and they will help you set this up.

Written Translations
ACSD has contracts with translators for communication that is all-district or all-school.  If you receive something from your school or ACSD that is not translated and you would like translation or interpretation services, please call 802-382-1278 and a school staff member will help you set this up.

A Note To School
ACSD has also produced a Multilingual Note to School so that parents can send quick notes from home.  One should be included with this guide. If you would like to order more notepads, please call 802-382-1278.  At this time the notepad is available in Spanish and Chinese.

School Closings
If there is a school closing, you will receive a phone call with the alert.  IMPORTANT: Please make sure the phone number you have provided to the school is up-to-date and accurate.  School closings are also posted on the ACSD website, which can be translated using the Google translate function.  

You can also find school closing on local radio and tv stations:

  • WVTK – 92.1 FM – Middlebury
  • KISS – 97.1 FM – Rutland
  • WPTZ-TV 5 – Plattsburgh
  • WEZF – 92.9 FM - Burlington
  • WOKO - 98.9 FM – Burlington
  • WVNY-TV 22 – Burlington
  • WJJR - 98.1 FM – Rutland
  • WCAX TV 3- Burlington